Managers are faced with a decision, how are you going to treat your employees to use their maximum potential. Too often, managers set up a dichotomy between getting results and being liked. The truth is these two things are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can often go hand-in-hand.
When poor performances are ignored for the sake of maintain good relationships, the long term ramifications can be costly and adverse. This type of environment can lead to employees taking advantage of the situation and their bosses. Also, morale eventually suffers due to the lack of drive and performance which can lead to resignations or unengaged employees.
Instead managers should actively try to engage employees by getting results. When results are achieved in a company and/or team pride and confidence starts to build up. Then the employees will develop more of vested interest in the fundamentals with a desire to do better.
Developing results centered reward programs are a great way to get employees actively involved in the company. There are four fundamental areas for results: Growing Revenue, Attracting Customers, Retaining Clients, and Cutting Costs. Managers should take an active approach in leading programs that provide an incentive for employees to help improve these four fundamentals.
With a focus on engaging employees with results, managers will likely start to have a more productive, loyal and happy team over the long-term.
For more information on reward programs to engage employees, contact Todd Weyandt at todd@laihr.com.
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